Author: Harri

The Last Moment of Ignorance

Everyone has Self-awareness there is no life without it. The difference between a Self-realized and heart and mind and a heart and mind that is not awake to the Self is very subtle but of immense consequence, in terms of over-all life enrichment. They are so close together that I am constantly amazed why more people do not just naturally fall into the Self. The realized person, on a very quiet level, is constantly aware of who is actually having any experience, the inner Self of the unrealized person is constantly over-shadowed by any experience. Otherwise the experience is the same.

Self-realization is a simple experience that is at first an independent addition to all other experience, over time it evolves into a more unified sense that includes life in general. It is a complete steadiness and permanence of Awareness itself, which comes with its own Self-luminous certainty or deep knowingness. It is not the small-self that has anything to do with last moment of ignorance or the first moment of Self-realization. Even though simple and natural—knowing that you are an infinite, eternal being is a very stabilizing and rewarding experience.

The Inner light and sound of universal togetherness is spiraling as every sight and movement of my senses. Daily life has become known as the surface layer of one continuous sight of the celestial heavens […]

There was a time when the experience of Self-Awareness, while always present was not connected to any other aspect of my life. Then there was a time for some years when my entire consciousness had […]

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