Ladder to God
Within a boundless churning ocean of awareness, I see an underlying, exquisite, vast sequence of Deva-full heavens that make up a layered column of celestial vision leading to the experience of the universe and finally to the Creator. This bliss-laden, symphony of sounding knowledge is a river of Vedic personifications that is comprised of golden, swirling, links of reverberating Soma in a tangible connectedness to universal creation and God.
My on-going experience is of a layered celestial vision of uncountable Devas flowing effortlessly in unison within the different structures of my heart and body. They are acting on the stage of my physiology as a cosmically unified composition of the representatives of the divine and physical universe in promoting the well being of my, and everyone’s, emerging personal connection to cosmic life.
Within the ever-still light of Self-awareness I see the shining expressions and intelligence of the principles of nature. They are the divine origin of all physical activities that are pouring in and forming my heart and body while streaming out in bliss-filled, Self-aware configurations of earthly and cosmic maintenance. Somehow this whole cosmic extravaganza easily curves back into the space of our loving hearts.
There is a conscious personal Self-awake sea of stillness that anchors, connects, and permeates with sparkling aliveness all of individual existence. I feel and see a vast spin as a layer of superimposed movement on all of my absolute, yet tangible, awareness. It looks and feels like the absolute having become its own—my own—expression, is now my whole existence through the instrumentality of personal attention. It is a sort of cosmic divine rubbing spin between the Self, as the absolute, and the expressed relative, that creates, roars, and sparks universal and personal life into a living reality.
This churning road map of absoluteness that is my life has been constructed to become a cosmic destination, a suitable dwelling heaven for God and Goddess. My heart is like an emerald cave of consciousness that has a divine exhilarating Riking roar of Vedic knowledge on an absolute, sparkling bed of Self-awake I-amness.
I am a silent, yet layered, mountain of concreteness that is being churned by the countless heavenly Beings into the balanced soma-bliss of my existence. The concentrated joy flowing from the point of this churn ensures a precise distribution of heaven’s qualities into individual and earthly life.
I, and the personifications of nature, are like a heavenly society of artists who are constantly building, refining and clothing a cosmic being who has become a fitting universal arena for the universal play of Krishna and Laksmi. The raw materials of the laws of nature needed for this cosmic process are being spontaneously mined from all of personal and universal existence through the practice of meditation techniques.
I see my individual existence as the blue print for this process. We all are a personal cosmic home that already has a completely constructed framework of infinite proportions. It is being further beautified, elaborated, and finished by the eternal co-operation between individual life and all the Gods and Goddesses that constitute existence.
What a breathtaking passage of words.
In the reading of which the I of myself journeyed feather light into the stream of “this”, yet “this” was seen and sensed as my very own self also.
The two reflecting, dancing as one even as I read.
The splinter just shrunk somewhat.