This is an excerpt from my up-coming book: “How Much Enlightenment Is Enough?”
In thinking that this book was only going to be about me, I was wrong. So many people have written or talked to me about their experiences that I am compelled to add their descriptions to my own. I chose the most transformational and clear experiences and asked everyone to use their own words to express them. I noticed a common thread in all the experiences. Surprisingly, it is not how dramatic, flashy or even how clear or blissful they are. These experiences revealed an underlying calmness, contentment and simple, solid stability that arose from their newly-discovered Self-awareness that positively influences the quality of daily life.
It is interesting to note that deep understanding or a sudden intuition can lead to instantaneous Self-realization. This phenomenon of suddenly waking up or recognizing one’s own Self-awareness began to spontaneously happen to people who were meeting in our small discussion groups. One lady claimed that something very dramatic, but profoundly simple, had suddenly transformed and greatly expanded her experiences. She said, “I feel like I have finally arrived home.” Upon hearing this I said to myself, “This must be a fluke!” I was more surprised than she when she revealed her sudden, simple, yet extraordinary experience and insights. Then similar, profound transformations began to happen to others; one, then another, and another, and so on and on it went.
Hi Harri, when is the book out? Kind regards, Morgan,
Hi Harri –
Thank you kindly for existing.
For this book, can i ask you that you have a beautiful, aesthetically pleasing book – in every way. Font, pages, binding, spacing around the fonts. Your first book is amazing but its not a pretty printing.