A Full Heart

One day, without any warning or fanfare, my consciousness—with a greatly heightened knowingness sense—started dramatically and visually expanding. Every limited, separate aspect of my regular experience became secondary. The silence, celestial awareness and all relative life simply became known and seen as one, undifferentiated, unified clarity. The expansion kept going on and on until my awareness became enormous beyond comprehension. I noticed that this sense of phenomenal size was not empty; it was defined by a brilliant, all-inclusive, glittering wakefulness.
This awareness of the Self spontaneously found a more robust, direct connection to my physical life. The shining stillness is tangible enough to be both absolutely still and absolutely active within all thoughts and feelings, as well as in what I am seeing and hearing. When my attention does not stray out of a unified Self inside or outside, then whatever I am experiencing—however small, divine or large—the effulgent Self-experiencer is always consciously present. Having arrived at this most comfortable home, I am happy and content.
My speech is no longer the same again. It germinates into the whole Self as the Seed-consciousness that recognizes and perceives, in exquisite detail, its own, complete informational structure. Therein speech is already waiting before it forms any obvious words. My thoughts do not need to travel from some source to some surface. It is all one, source-less ocean of awareness that is already awake to all levels simultaneously, just like the seed of a great oak tree that contains the code of even the smallest detail of the tree. If one could see and understand the code, the whole tree would be revealed and could be explained.
The ‘I Am-stillness’ of the experience remains conscious and thus renders inner and outer experience into the full value of each other. In other words, inner-and-outer turned into inner-to-outer.
Now, since my nearby and cosmic spaces are similar expressions of my own Unified-awareness, they are quietly, intimately churning as personal joy. This state feels a little like a constant reservoir of love at first sight—in fact, love for all sight.
The inner light of the Self is further amplified by the uncountable points of light continuously radiating back from all the aspects of my daily experience. Since I have been experiencing and seeing unbounded stillness—along with a great knowingness, divine heavenly awareness, daily physical life, galactic activity, and a distinct awareness of almighty God and Goddess—in a layered cornucopia of naturally enchanting oneness for a long time, I did not really expect any new state to transpire.
But then, within one wondrous second, all these layered realities of my experience somehow squeezed into my openly receptive heart. How could they possibly fit? And yet, there they were, resplendent and all-smiling, in a sea of pure love. This new love is unique and different from anything I have ever experienced before. First, and foremost the intensity is downright sublime.
The sudden, divine closeness to, and seeing of God and Goddess, as personifications of universal and personal absolute awareness in my own heart, allows the experience to be to be tangibly real and ever-presently joyous.
Is there any other experience that enables us to even begin to accept all of God’s universal existence as our home, other than personal-to-universal love? Not only did all of my experience get squeezed into my heart but my heart got squeezed into the universe. They are unified in functioning on the sensory and knowingness levels. The physicality of my experience is not only divinely enhanced, but also super clear because God’s presence has become universal, sensory and physical.
There is no more room in my heart. It is full of, and basking in, the totality of a reality that—while being felt and known as way beyond everything—manages to be everything as well.
One very lovely quality of this state is that all the details and complexities of personal, global, and cosmic life are just as obvious as the united connectedness of my over-all experience. My whole experience moves within Itself only; my heart, mind and body are waves of wholeness within wholeness. Love is so tangible that even my ever-active intellect, while awake as the Self, is free to discriminate to its heart’s content.
Congratulations and so very happy for you and for all of us as this affects us all ! We help each other as we increase and uplift the collective vibrations!!!! Thanks for sharing !
I love the beauty and clarity of your new reality.
“Therein speech is already waiting before it forms any obvious words. ” Glorious. Thank you.
Its wonderful to read this is what I am.
It is a miracle in itself that you can express this in words, and so clearly, without collapsing the wholeness. It demonstrates the point that”therein speech is already waiting…” while it gives a most eloquent new expression to all that the Vedic literature says about speech, language and the universe.
Love the experience Harri, and the eloquence with which it is delivered .
A sumptuous meal complete with celestial ice cream, pie, chocolate and coffee… not to mention the all pervasive LOVE as the aperitif 😊🙏