Simple, Simpler, Simplest
When the Self of unified awareness was found to be the very basis, content, and joy of my daily activity, then I could see that my heart, mind, and body were also continuous aspects of the all-pervasive, reverberating ocean of awareness. These contiguous layers of personal-to-universal recognition, altogether and individually, had arrived home to rest in the divine space of my heart and mind as one glorious yet delineated fullness.
Starting from the simple clarity of Self-awareness which is the stillness and sight my own awareness of awareness: I, the individual experiencer, am the very Self of the Self. My experience is completely still, wonderfully subtle and is the foundational, pervading knowledge-structure that I am aware of as I experience anything whatsoever.
The moment my attention is on Self-awareness, It is known to be awake to Itself, which, of course, is nothing but the “me” of the “I am that” experience. There is simply nothing outside this simplest of simple experience.
For instance, it is for the purpose of understanding all the different aspects of the body that we look at all the interconnected functions but—just like consciousness—there is only one body with many interrelated layers.
This wakefulness of my Self is constant and is the fulness of each subsequent layer. In truth there is no separate or subsequent layers, in the sense that all layers are the pre-existent fullness of each other that have all arrived to recognition within all of conscious awareness. They are the perceptual knowledge-flavors of the Self.
When I look at any sight or object in my surrounding environment, the pervasive entirety of my consciousness can only see Its “Self”, even in the smallest object. I am looking through the transparent, slight, bright thickness of the Self—even in the vibrant space of the unbounded Self—in relation to the objects of the senses. Understandably, as my experience evolved in more and more apparent complexity, it all became simpler and simpler in unified connectedness and joy.
My physical environment appears to see me as much as I see it. It is almost as if the daily space around me has somehow acquired my transcendental, fully functioning eyes and ears. All of it is experiencing me in a directionless familiar relationship. I am the liveliness of the bliss consciousness around who I am and thus everything that I see is naturally rendered blissful.
Of course, it is not just one object or scene that is being experienced. It is every object, every person and every scene that is alive in the expanded value of this unified knowing-sight of connectedness. Even the differences, while obviously remaining practical, daily differences, have gained the status of the unity and range of my entire awareness.
The vast depth of the ocean of consciousness has entered every wave allowing my senses to cascade far beyond the boundaries of my immediate physical space. These inside-to-outside waves of Self-awareness are the elements of nature that comprise water, fire, earth, air and space, throughout personal and cosmic creation.
All these separate experiences have blossomed into a far larger, simpler togetherness where the awake silence, its organizational knowledge of structured sounds and the divine aspects and forms of nature have taken even my individuality—first abstractly then concretely—to cosmic proportions.
I see my senses rising as fluctuations of the awake Self; they are specifically connected to the impulses of the universal laws of nature and their heavenly administrators. There even the stars, constellations and their movements are known as precise counter points within my local and expanded body. These points of awareness radiate as mandala-like knowledge-configurations of the unbounded Self, clearly defining the whole structure of my heart, mind, and physical structure in relation to the Vedic radiance of universal creation.
This, intimate relationship with universal events is very similar to the unified relationship with my immediate surroundings but it is on a far brighter, grander scale. The whole universe is in friendly relation to me and is in its divine, point-by-point nature looking, or curving back, on to all aspects of me. I am always seeing the same Unified Self in greater and greater delightful closeness, scope and detail.
Lively unboundedness, its knowledge sounds, divine forms, my physical life and universal cosmic existence are altogether clearly in my awareness at all times. It is not that I only see these layers but rather that I am these layers, both separately and altogether. Each layer is an entirely interconnected experience while remaining in their natural day-by-day functions and roles as well.
I enjoyed reading this. If you would so oblige me, I would appreciate it if you could try to define some of the terms and phrases you use as precisely as possible.
“I see my senses rising as fluctuations of the awake Self; they are specifically connected to the impulses of the universal laws of nature and their heavenly administrators. There even the stars, constellations and their movements are known as precise counter points within my local and expanded body. These points of awareness radiate as mandala-like knowledge-configurations of the unbounded Self, clearly defining the whole structure of my heart, mind, and physical structure in relation to the Vedic radiance of universal creation.”
What is the actual quality of your experience that informs the statement “my senses rising as they are connected to the impulses of divine law”?
And what do you mean when you say the stars/constellations are precise “counter points” within your local and expanded body?
Does this mean that the physical locations of these physical bodies is “precisely” available to you? Or does it refer to more of a sense of unity with the planetary bodies?
As those bodies are unobservable with the physical sense, how does awareness of them show up? Is it a subtle awareness? Is it a knowing, or is there a visual component?
What does “defining your heart, mind, and physical structure in relation to the Vedic radiance of creation” mean?
I’d love to understand what you meant in this section, I’m just not clear on your intended meaning so I appreciate any time you spend replying :)
Hi Steven.
I have gone through many, sometimes dramatic changes and states over the years. Each development has revealed more and more expanded expressions of Self-awareness. Until, even so-called outside and distant values of existence became perceived and known as aspects of the Self. I am not so smart that I could describe anything that I do not see or understand. Your question would take a whole book to explain. You might be interested to Know I have written two such book. They are available on Amazon books under my name Harri Aalto.
All the very best
Thank you for getting back to me!
I’m going to take a look at your books