Cosmic Support
I am the infinite stillness in which the universe spins. I perceive my body as a knowledge-localization of universal principles and cosmic events. My consciousness, everyone’s consciousness, is the unbounded stillness that naturally uses its own structure to manifest. I experience the universe as a cosmic egg-shaped spinning extravaganza of enormous energy and beauty which in its existence is completely organized as an unbounded version of my individual-to-universal consciousness.
There is great simplicity and stillness in this divine spin, great bliss in this spin, great knowledge in this spin. Material creation is the ultimate reverberating expression of this blissful experience. Conscious awareness has become so all-inclusive, so physical, that my senses and even regular daily activity are also recognized as the totality of unified awareness.
The more clearly I see realization as the complete stillness and whirling of cosmic activity—of the stars, the galaxies, the planets—the more they are experienced as aspects of my heart, mind and physical existence. When unboundedness moves as my sensory awareness it gets appreciated as the eternal knowledge and play of all aspects of creation.
I perceive the distance between the smallest point of my individual existence and the most expanded field of cosmic existence as full of the personifications and laws of nature, as divine modes of my own awareness.
The unity of awareness has unfolded as a multi-person, societal experience that is full of divine capacity, wherein celestial personifications are known as the orchestrating support structures for the enhancement of earthly life. I see unified awareness as the free flow of heaven’s bounty from it’s infinite natural reservoir of cosmic fullness into earthly creation and out again in a perfectly balanced cosmic dance of joy and mutual support.
My individual point of consciousness floats lighter and lighter in the unbounded reverberation of an ocean of awareness whenever I appreciate the ever-helpful activity of the principals of nature. When celestial beings, like any family members, are consciously loved and appreciated, the feeling is returned in great measure—even more so when the infinite closeness, oneness and absolute unity of personal and cosmic togetherness is already in spontaneous play.
Unified awareness in daily life is where the surrounding environment is seen as the field of my own consciousness, looking back at me. The universe in all its immense structures and activities are also reflecting my own awareness, looking back at me. And the whole family of divine activity is also experienced as a field of my own consciousness, looking back at me. There is nothing outside my awareness, everything feels personal and in a relationship with me. I feel like a cosmic reflector where the dimensions and layers of existence express my life as a single, super simple wholeness of eternal oneness.
Dear Harri,
The infinite stillness in me extends outward and I feel/see it in all objects just like I feel it in myself. I love all the contradictions that are now self-evident. I see the self, and I don‘t see the self. The self is experienced internally and in the internal that is external. I just read your Feb. 2020 experience. 90 % corresponds to my experience and 10% is just confusing, but it brings me great joy because I know that these experiences will also come to me. Thank you very much for your beautiful descriptions of your experiences. They are like a light confirming and guiding in confusion.
With a heart full of gratitude, Steve Olson