Divine Sound
There is a sound to my awareness so soft that it’s reverberation hums as eternal Self-wakefulness. This wakefulness is blissful and infinitely specific in every point of awareness as an all-pervading knowingness, that roars in its most expanded value as the whole universe. There is a vibrant shimmer to this awareness that I can see—it is the pre-form oneness of my awareness which are the sounds of pure intelligence. Meditation techniques has created a permanent after-effect of blissful Self-awareness and all time unified awareness that also permeates regular activity.
Watching the orchestrated activity of the personifications of nature as specificities of my body is always a pure delight. On the level of knowledge there is no recognition of an inside or an outside as their range of activity fully represents both the divine connectedness and the full activities of my heart, mind, body and environment. I see my body as the seat and point of a vast universal divine organization—that whirls and roars as the balanced existence and reality of each other within the Self-structured ocean of my consciousness.
The space around my body is not an empty at all, it is an active fullness of the divinity of silence reverberating as unified and Devata awareness. It is my own physical and sensory existence that simply keeps on extending to cosmic dimensions. In the same way that my body is full of all kinds of internal activity there is also fully operative heavenly extension of that activity as my unified, environmental consciousness. I am surrounded in a thickness of bliss and knowledge that clearly consists of uncountable divine forms that are completely natural in the precise functions that they perform.
Unified awareness is so still and so pervasive that it dominates all experience through its immoveable nature. It is Self-awareness that has, as if, acquired an extended body and senses that appears as the sound and sight of the Ved exuberantly playing within the ocean of my own reverberating consciousness. This is no longer an abstract experience, it is constant and clear as a booming almost physical phenomenon that is an all shimmering knowledge that is connected by the sparkling light of pure awareness.
Looking at my normal experience at any moment is to stir (while remaining absolutely still) a supremely quiet field of Self-awareness in its more active phase. Just like, looking at anything naturally brings it to a more lively awareness. When perceiving the reverberations of my awareness they are recognized as being one clarity of awareness, not just deep inside, but as the surface and outside as well. My experience is quietly knowledgeable, quietly blissful and quietly unified. In other words everything is inside me and I am inside everything. In fact there really is no inside or outside, it is all one great personal Knower in complete universal stillness eternally flowing as the total knowledge and sight of all things divine.
Have listened to you with Rick Archer on Buddha at the Gas Pump. Beginning to chuckle because I have this eternal internal sound in the background that you spoke of during the interview…and in this article. I have always had it. As a child I would really notice it when I got sick. I also would experience myself as different sizes and textures, but that is another thing. Over the years it became that I could hear it whenever I turned inward to listen. Now those thousands of tones singing together are a constant hum throughout my day. Also, internal sensations of bliss have been frequenting my experience. For many years I believed I had tasted enlightenment for two weeks (30 years ago) in my late 20’s, but that it left me. I could no longer constantly sense the unity with everything in existence. Since then I have been expecting another experience or event to precipitate permanent enlightenment. Now, after hearing you, I must reevaluate. Perhaps the state has never really left. Perhaps I am in a process of acknowledging it, sensing into it and knowing it. At any rate, the internal divine sound and the feelings of bliss and connection have convinced me that I am never alone or disconnected from the divine …and that support (of guru and of people like you sharing your perspective) engenders hope. Faith in this process is kindled. Thank you!
Hi Asha Kim Love you experience
Over and over I talk to individuals who have had what they understand to have been a truly profound experience and then just like you wonder what happened to it. The flash, the profundity, the great expectations all quietly settle down to what realization really is, the natural continuity of Self-awareness, that is and should be the normal state of everyones experience. Conscious Self-awareness is realization and it certainly does not feel like it should be called realization. Everyone has Self-awareness when it is recognized and not lost in the living of daily life, it is the awake experience. I do not mean to imply that it is not significant, it is the most simple and grand experience that could possibly come to light in ones life. But it is the start of a deep, wonderful understanding and experience that is the ground state from which a far a more unified, inside to outside experience can now unfold. All the very best