Luminous Self-Awareness is Normal

This picture is inside the BAPS Temple in New Jersey. It is actually a temple within a temple.

 I experience a boundless stillness that is unshakeable but nevertheless it is a vibrant Self-knowing, soundless roar. This silent roar is louder and more comprehensive than anything heard with the physical ears. I know it to be the seed potential and entirety of everything already expressed. It is unmistakably subtle and absolutely normal. This unified awareness as an all-encompassing but quiet addition to daily activity. All the benefits of integrated, awake understanding, luminous bliss and continuous universal connectedness, all together create the experience of unified Self-awareness.

What could be more practical than a personal awareness that delivers permanent satisfaction and has established, beyond a doubt the intimate relationship and oneness between inner experience and physical activity. Writing about and delving into the subtleties of experience with others has spontaneously developed my ability to quietly recognize even the simplest, subtle experience for what It truly is.

Even though my experience of unified consciousness is clearly dominant—in that it is constant—it does not in any way diminish regular activity. In fact the experience is like having wiped a dirty mirror and suddenly we are seeing the fuller value, the vibrancy and brightness of our own reflection. When I am looking at or hearing anything the experience is not outside or even inside but is simply and naturally known as a mode of my own consciousness. This is not easy to describe or to understand. Words always seem kind of small and abrupt when describing the unbounded ever-silent, vibrating flow of unified pure-knowledge.

My awareness has a Self- knowing and expressing shimmer that has bliss as its nature. This bliss is as continuous as Self-awareness and permeates all the knowledge and divine modes of expanded and expressed consciousness. I see a vast vivid sun of great splendor—a cosmic cauldron of eternal fire that roars throughout its paces as the body of the universe in great oneness with my physical body.  My experience is blazing—thundering like great boulders rubbing together—with infinite levels of sound connecting throughout the light of celestial, universal and physical activity.

Now, surprisingly, Krishna has suddenly shown up and is sort of superimposed as the luminous content all experience. I am dwelling at the feet of God. The universe is at the feet of Krishna. We are a wonderful, universal hue of totality. Casting my inner eye up, as it were, there is an almost blinding, infinite distance to His face. I am recognizably, somehow part and parcel of this creation which is floating like a cosmic bubble in an ocean of our—of everybody’s—infinite awareness. Beyond the Yugas, beyond creation, I am eternal. I am not coming and going. I am a personified totality who is the cause, substance and expression of it all. I would love to call my experience a “whole array of principles”, which certainly is true, but it is all just too personal, intimate and wonderful to be or to feel so abstract or theoretical. The nature of this experience is not out there somewhere, it resides solidly as my heart, mind and body, and is the very life and legacy of everyone.