Month: April 2019

God and Me

Everything that I am, I see in relation to God. When I talk about Self-awareness I really mean God-awareness. I cannot ever separate the two. When I speak of Unified-awareness I mean God and His creation. There is no space in my heart for anything else. My mind is not capable of thinking of anything greater. My environment is luminous as the blazing light of God. And yet, while all of creation is known as my consciousness and God occupies my whole heart, He is still somehow apart from me to love and see His cosmic form. Self-awareness on the other hand is never a separate awareness in any way. I see all the layers of existence as one continuous light-show of consciousness, there are no breaks in-between any aspects of this awareness.

Whatever percentage of the vision of God my heart and mind can hold, it can only be the fullness of God. God is whole where ever He is found.  I am the shining, personal heart in universal Being. Everything in the space between God and me is the functioning and unification of creation. All the glorious heavens and their divine beings reside in God’s relationship with the make-up of my heart, mind and body. All aspects of nature function within this dynamic.

I am not just in the universe, the universe is in me as the organizational structure of my own awareness. God silently hiding in the bliss and knowledge of the awake heart is so universally humble that He has no problem bowing low to lift me to His infinite presence.

 If one is not inclined to think or feel in terms of God, then thinking and experiencing everything in terms of knowledge and Self-awareness is just fine—it is the same experience from a different perspective.

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