The Sound of Universal Existence
My experience of Self-awareness has a sparkling resonance and sound. It is not only completely still and it is not only completely active. It is the brilliance and hum of both. Spread to the edge of the physical universe is a knowingness and a feeling. I am the seeing, hearing and body of its whole dynamic stillness. This sounding liveliness of the Self is ever-present; it hums and roars so loudly—and so softly—that its range is able to be heard pervading everything and everywhere throughout time and space. This primordial pervasiveness of a great loudness to a supreme stillness spans existence in all its infinite variety, sparking every iota of creation into its functional togetherness.
I am, we all are, this universal blazing vastness that is far greater than any part. It glitters; it is a texture, a pattern, a geometry that renders consciousness intelligently active and obvious in all the details of regular activity. It is not random. I am everything that it is; it is the whole geography of my awareness. I see myself shining throughout an infinite field and personified body of the light of consciousness that churns and loops in wonderful detail as the dynamics of my whole existence. I see and hear a delightful whirling of the two opposing principles and of the heavenly personifications of nature that blissfully stir as all aspects of my heart, mind and body.
It is the bliss of divinity in the eternal exchange of personal and universal consciousness. Having said all this, my whole experience is simplicity itself and it is this simple grand subtlety that somehow holds everything in a sublime connectedness. It is a wonder how these experiences, that are not only inside, manage to mingle with, co-exist with and enhance even the simplest activity without any diminishing of inner or outer experience. In fact, my inner experience bubbles throughout the senses, expands the mind and tickles the heart, all the while exchanging the wholeness of utter stillness with the fullness of concrete activity.
The quiet, effulgent sound of Self-awareness, since it is pure intelligence, has a specific divine structure. I am aware, with eyes open or closed, of these divinely exquisite impulses of nature as the organizational components of my own awareness. This is where bliss is truly blissful, where it really shimmers as the fullness of every-day activity. I experience this as a continuum where every level permeates and is the whole content of every other level.
I have always understood the universe to be huge, but when it suddenly appeared as if a point floating in, and as, the ocean of my own awareness, it appears no larger than any other specificity of our universal structure. After this realization, Self-awareness developed an exquisitely profound God-like or Creator-like feeling or sense throughout, wherein all experience is centered or grounded in a unified knowledge that everything in time and space is nothing but our own awareness.
In the same way that all the elements of nature are personified, the whole of existence has a personified aspect. I clearly see one great God dwelling as a holistic concentration of pure knowledge in the chamber of my heart and I see the very nature of God as one existence-filled Mother Divine, dwelling as pure love in the lotus of my heart. How all this knowledge and glory fits in there I will never know. Yet there it is shining so brightly that I have no chance to look away.
Whatever my inner experiences are, they do not occur outside of regular or family life. All areas of my life are integral parts of my experience. There is no such thing as, “Oh! This is divine or Self-aware, but that is not!” I see every experience through the eyes of Self-aware understanding. The eyes of inner divinity and the physical eyes, they both deliver their specific, yet unified information all at the same time.