A Day-To-Day Unified Awareness
The screen of my consciousness is a sparkling connectedness where I see reverberating strings of luminous structure streaming in front, behind, all around, as waves of knowledge. My senses soar in stillness—a cosmic sun vibrating in and out as blazing layers of creation, near and far. All this universal activity, all this vibrating consciousness, I experience expanding in spiraling streams of leaping light which I can only describe as a sort of cosmic fire that roars throughout time and space extinguishing and re-kindling creation in the ocean of my own field of totality. I am all ears, all eyes, all senses stretched out eternally in all directions—a living body breathing its heavenly source as creation.
This physical body, as consciousness, is stretched throughout cosmic and divine space as its structure and life. I experience absolutely no difference between my consciousness and my body. Pure consciousness flows unmistakably, unrestricted, throughout my body and within this movement is my own recognition. I live in an illuminated awareness of crystal clarity that takes shape out of its own structure. My body’s boundaries are the boundaries of universal space and I simply cannot find a beginning or an end. Nothing is too dense to obstruct this wonder of moving consciousness. It is this delightful balance that allows experience to simultaneously be both absolutely still and absolutely active. Yet it is all so supremely simple that it almost defies description.
All of my experience has folded into its own unbounded structure. Physical matter, knowledge, and I, the knower—altogether—are one intimate sound of knowingness and sight. Self-awareness is experienced as the layers and matter of my body. I, the experiencer, am the unity in all the pieces of myself.
To put this all in perspective: my experience is all happening in a normal life, in a normal family, in a normal town. Normal-ness has remained. What I am really describing is an effortless addition to regular life. All my experiences and states of awareness have become the content of an ever-expanding vision. Waking, dreaming, sleeping and expanded states of awareness are all parts of a oneness that is my present experience.
I perceive, in my heart, mind and body, the processes and interconnected activity that is continuously and harmoniously operating between a reverberating field of knowledge, the divine heavens and my regular life. I am constantly looking at and understanding the cosmic intelligence of the layers of nature as they all co-operate in the unified functions of my Self-awareness. Since it is all perceived as nothing new, nothing earth shattering has taken place. Only a slight sift of awareness has revealed each state of expanded Self-awareness. Whatever happened to our lack of absolute self-awareness since it is, and was, everywhere already?
As unusual as it may sound, the experience of a tangible unified awareness is by far the simplest and most natural of all the states that I have been describing over the years. By ‘simple’ I do not mean that anything is left out but that everything is included. This knowing, seeing or intuiting, that absolutely everything is included, is what makes it all so natural and rewarding.
Beautiful, Harri!
Thank you for sharing this shining example of our shared human potential.
Peace, Rudy
I think normal is just a setting on a dryer.
Beautiful Hari. So appreciate you sharing this.