Heart-Felt Clarity

I experience that one of the primary qualities of wakefulness is a quiet, all-encompassing feeling that can only be described as a continuum of universal-to-individual love. Along with perpetual clear awareness, my most fulfilling sense is one of unbounded love. I mostly write about pure knowledge, but really the most delightful, quietest sparkle of my life, is untainted universal love. This almost-silent feeling enhances all knowledge with a glowing physical presence so subtle that no experience is found outside its eternal range.

In fact, my body’s participation as a feature of consciousness, is held in silent thrall by the wonder of love’s pervasiveness. This primary quality of pure happiness, that is found everywhere, has its unchanging, adamantine existence, established as the quality that unifies my experience and understanding.

First found, first seen—the mother of all experience—no other experience is as accepting or as universal as love. In my heart is seated the presence of the Divine, in unmoving, unending, reverberating glory; there sits the heavens, the universe, the world, and my family. The point of my heart contains a divinity of pure perception as brilliant and expanded, that only love can keep it intact as the universal point of my awareness in an ocean of wholeness.

Recently, Catherine my wife experienced a tangible fullness and opening of her heart that has not diminished over time. Her experience has had the extraordinary effect of now revealing both of our heart-felt, heart-centered physiologies in my awareness, as the structure, emergence, and expressions of unbounded unity.

Having the experience of two physical hearts pulsing in unity, has had the outcome of tremendously increasing my personal familiarity with pure silence expanding its sublime stillness into daily and family life. Attending this experience is a universal love so tender that even its most miniscule expansion or contraction is nothing but pure joy. These two divine energies, spinning as silence, have collected my children, community—in fact, all beings—to the very central structure, story, and awareness of my wholeness.

I now watch the first stir of unboundedness with a fuller, on-going intimacy, which is both the mother and father of that stir. I—the stillness of unbounded wakefulness—am seeing my own nature as divine mother, not only abstractly, but also as my daily goings-on. Experiencing two beating hearts as one movement of wholeness, everything suddenly roars brighter, fathoms fuller, is a divine richness that personifies the Absolute as nothing other than my—and everyone’s—eternal consciousness. Even my physical heart seems to beat stronger, more steadily, in its new found integrity as its Absolute twin nature.

At the very first stirring of my awareness, joyfulness is already mirroring a recognition of the fullness and divine thrill of awakened bliss, more than hinting at the heavenly, being-filled, structural oneness of creation. It is here, in the dome of my concentrated heart, where love is the bliss-full state of ringing wholeness. As the Absolute appears to break up, I experience that it is the unifying quality of love that shelters my individuality at the very center of this infinite experience. I see pure unbounded love, looking at the face of Absolute silence, while remaining both completely universal and completely personal.

I perceive, that in the warm directed glow of love, even pure indivisible consciousness is known— is seen—as nothing other than a universal, heavenly family. This unbounded, delightful abstract feeling is the fundamental, pulsing structure that seamlessly reveals and illumines a universal, societal fullness, where my existance is the collective and individual home of all the stories and beings of creation.

Consciousness, experienced as love: here my whole experience is very personal, very rich, and thick in unity, even my discriminating intellect finds an ocean of clarity from point to infinity, from my family to all families. Universal love spills uninterruptedly into its own divisions, curving back again and again, never actually having to move to be the fullness of my—everyone’s—divinity. I see a field of bubbling silence, singing to itself as the ground state of my awareness. I watch this eternal structure as churning streams of light and consciousness systematically condensing into a vast celestial-to-earthly society, sparkling altogether as the shining, multi-layered sheathes of my consciousness and physiology.

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