All Inclusive Awareness
I experience pure unbounded stillness, pervasively whole, knowledge so crystalline and tangible that even my senses are awake within this experience. Like a supreme deep waveless ocean no ripple disturbs its pristine tranquility. Yet the tiniest ripple is obvious. Utterly still, I am aware of all movements of that stillness as pure perceptions of my own awareness. I am simultaneously aware of my body and my universal existence as this unbounded field of consciousness that also finds its center in my physical body. I am no more active with eyes closed or eyes open, also I am no more still with eyes closed or open. When I observe this stillness I can locate a vast central intelligence and energy that stirs this field without any disturbance whatsoever. I can locate an infinite field of unbounded bliss so supreme, that the bliss, the unboundedness, my heart, senses, body and environment are all known and seen as my own awareness in an ocean of totality.
I experience this absolute central source both within my body and within the universe as a whole. Somehow both together, pure abstraction and its own concentrated point and points are the dynamics that are my expressed and unexpressed potentialities. This primordial essence, where every thing is sourced is the size of my heart and the size of infinite abstraction as well. A wonderful heaven together both in and out. No movement, no activity is ever outside the scope of this heaven of awareness. This sense of absoluteness is so tangible that nothing escapes its pervasive fullness. The Absolute is so full of its self that moving through it, either mentally or physically, I know and see this movement as completely within my own consciousness. I feel like I am effortlessly, wonderfully plowing through my own Absolute self, my own Absolute heaven.
I know the Absolute and its own expressions as an absolute continuum of my own awareness. Within this wonderful abstraction are the infinite stirrings that altogether create the oneness of my existence. I can hear a perfectly orchestrated hum or vibration that I experience as pure knowledge, pure knowledge because it’s the knowledge and infinite details of my own reality. My body’s reaction to this pure vibrating knowledge, is a quiet all encompassing bliss. This bliss has a divine aspect where I see a heavenly domain fully expressed in my heart and all around me.
My hearts reaction to this experience is pure love, unbounded love for creation. Whatever or where ever my eyes fall is felt as a concentrated point of love in an ocean of abstract love. Together one totality of love. My mind’s experience is one of total knowingness that floats on the waves of this bliss and love, knowing even the waves as whole.
I see an unmanfest and manifest God in me and outside me simultaneously. God is in me as the totality of my consciousness, as the wholeness of knowledge and joy. And I see God outside me in His glorious form and forms. This togetherness of God inside and outside is the wonder of my life. What I see inside is no less outside and what I see outside is no less inside. My wholeness is defined and expressed by the love and unity of all the constituent parts and layers of my experience. Altogether my experience is very, very simple because every- thing, every layer is transparent to its self, to myself and appears known and fully real on a bed of awareness that permeates but in no way hides anything what so ever. Ever all the same, ever all different, but all together experienced on an all-inclusive bed of supreme oneness. Every changing experience, however grand whether Absolute, divine or relative is suffused by and tied to every other experience by a very tangible unchanging field of my very own self aware knowledge.
It is difficult to explain to people that you are as god as it gets until you experience it for yourself.
Well said. glad I found you. bk
Hi Harri,
You are such a gem! And this article was exquisite. Thanks my friend.
This is exquisite. Utterly poetic and beautiful – saturated with the fragrance of true knowing.
“My hearts reaction to this experience is pure love, unbounded love for creation. Whatever or where ever my eyes fall is felt as a concentrated point of love in an ocean of abstract love. Together one totality of love. My mind’s experience is one of total knowingness that floats on the waves of this bliss and love, knowing even the waves as whole.”
Thank you,
Happy Elegance
Harri, is it possible for you to awaken another person’s awareness by putting your attention on to them, I think its called Shaktipat or something like that. Have you ever done this. This question arises from an experience I had long ago with MMY when in silent answer to a question to him, my body was filled with indescribable love for him. It was overwhelming, lasted for hours and did not come from me at all. For those like me who are still finding the way in small steps I find your comments encouraging even if they do not seem directly useful.
Hi John
The waking up process can happen at any time, it coulld even co-inside with something I say. Understanding or knowledge is half of all experience so it is always worth talking about.
All the best
Thank you! I really loved your interview at batgap and can’t wait for the next one. I am particularly intrigued by your reference to immortality. Is that as something I call a “me” an a identity?
Hello, Harri :)
Great to hear such words of wisdom.
Why don’t you do a Q&A session of youtube videos, or just record explanations or talks on different subject and post them as videos on youtube and link them here on this site?
Parallel to that, you could continue with BATGAP series, but there wouldn’t be that big of a GAP :) between talks…
If I can help in any way, I’m here :)
Hi Erick
You are completely right, only my experience is that there is more to enjoy than meets the eye.
Thanks for your view
All the very best
Dear Harri,
Your words capture me in such a way, that I find myself entering in to their richness..
I feel so “fully” alive.
Thank you ,
Their is transmission in your words and the expansion is incredible.
I will return here to feel the peace and find it again in my dreams and waking life and all I see and sense.
Thank you!
Thanks for sharing your info. I truly appreciate
your efforts and I will be waiting for your next post thank you once again.
Maharishi on Vedic Mantras